sexta-feira, 22 de julho de 2016

Costa Mediterranea - Ship Tour 

PT// Fotos e Video com imagens do navio Costa Mediterranea, captadas durante um cruzeiro de 7 dias no Adriático que tentam mostrar um pouco de todas as suas áreas comuns. Entre no Atrio Maschera d'Argento e imediatamente ficará maravilhado pelo conjunto magnífico de luzes e cores! Atravesse áreas públicas através dos vários bares e restaurantes, piscinas, teatro, lojas, casino, discoteca, áreas de entretenimento, capela, ... Para quem conhece é uma forma forma de recordar e para quem vai viajar pela primeira vez no navio é uma forma de antecipar e começar a conhecê-lo!

EN// Pictures and Video with images of the ship Costa Mediterranea, taken during a 7 days cruise in the Adriatic, that try to show a little bit of all of its common areas. Get in Maschera d'Argento and immediately be amazed by the magnificent set of lights and colors! Cross public areas through the various bars and restaurants, swimming pools, theater, shops, casino, disco, entertainment areas, chapel, ... For those who know is a way to remember and for those who will travel for the first time on the ship is a way to anticipate and get to know it!



1 comentário:

  1. Pictures and Video with images of the ship Costa Mediterranea, taken during a 7 days cruise in the Adriatic, that try to show a little bit of all of its common areas. Get in Maschera d'Argento and immediately be amazed by the magnificent set of lights and colors! Cross public areas through the various bars and restaurants, swimming pools, theater, shops, casino, disco, entertainment areas, chapel, ... For those who know is a way to remember and for those who will travel for the first time on the ship is a way to anticipate and get to know it! #LetsGuide #CostaMediterranea #ShipTour #costacruises #costacrociere #Cruise #Cruising #CruiseLife #Cruiser #Cruises #CruiseShip #wanderlust #travel #beautifuldestinations #sonhosvividos @costacruises @costacrociere @costacruzeiros


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