segunda-feira, 2 de dezembro de 2013

Caribbean Sea with Crown Princess

PT// Dia de navegação entre Princess Cays e Curaçao. Na parte da manhã navegamos ao largo do Haiti onde captámos algumas imagens. Já ao final da tarde foi possível observar mais um pôr-do-sol espetacular... as imagens falam por si...

EN// Day of navigation between Princess Cays and Curaçao. In the morning we sailed off to Haiti where we captured some images. At the end of the afternoon it was possible to observe another spectacular sunset ... the pictures speak for themselves ...

1 comentário:

  1. Day of navigation between Princess Cays and Curaçao. In the morning we sailed off to Haiti where we captured some images. At the end of the afternoon it was possible to observe another spectacular sunset ... the pictures speak for themselves ... #LetsGuide #wanderlust #travel #sonhosvividos #algunssonhosvividos #travelexperiences #CrownPrincess #PrincessCruises #ComeBackNew #CaribbeanSea @PrincessCruises


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