sábado, 26 de março de 2016

Tunisia - Carthage (MSC Lirica Excursion)

PT// Visita à cidade de Cartago na Tunísia, que começou com uma paragem nas ruínas do aqueduto romano, seguindo-se uma breve visita ao porto artificial de onde Hannibal partiu para as suas conquistas e por fim o que resta hoje do que foi uma grande cidade no seu tempo, as ruínas de Cartago.

EN// Visit the city of Carthage in Tunisia, which began with a stop at the ruins of the Roman aqueduct, followed by a brief visit to the artificial harbor where Hannibal left for their conquests and finally what remains today of what was a large city in its time, the ruins of Carthage.

 Pode encontrar as avaliações desta visita no TripAdvisor: Carthage AqueductPunic Ports & MuseumRuínas de CartagoTermas Romanas  e El Abidin Moschea.



1 comentário:

  1. Visit the city of Carthage in Tunisia, which began with a stop at the ruins of the Roman aqueduct, followed by a brief visit to the artificial harbor where Hannibal left for their conquests and finally what remains today of what was a large city in its time, the ruins of Carthage.

    Tunisia - Carthage (MSC Lirica Excursion) #wonderfuldreams #LetsGuide #wanderlust #travel #sonhosvividos #algunssonhosvividos #travelexperiences #beautifuldestinations #amazingplaces #Carthage MSC Cruises MSC Crociere #MSC https://algunssonhosvividos.blogspot.com/2016/03/tunisia-carthage-msc-lirica-excursion.html?spref=tw @MSC_Crociere @MSCCrucerosESP


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