sábado, 20 de janeiro de 2018

Porto - Livraria Lello (Harry Potter Library Inspiration!)

PT// Com o slogan de "A Livraria mais bonita do Mundo", a Livraria Lello é um marco da cidade. Inaugurada em 1906, ganhou uma nova vida após, dizem, ter sido inspiração para J.K. Rowland, quando escreveu a saga Harry Potter. 
Um espaço pequeno, mas cheio de história, com uma bonita escadaria e muitos, muitos livros. A cultura por aqui é rainha! 

EN// With the slogan "The Most Beautiful Bookstore in the World", the Livraria Lello is a landmark of the city. Open since 1906, it has a new life after, they say, have been inspiration for J.K. Rowland, when she wrote Harry Potter. 
A small space, but full of history, with a beautiful staircase and many, many books. The culture around here is the queen!



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1 comentário:

  1. With the slogan "The Most Beautiful Bookstore in the World", the Livraria Lello is a landmark of the city. Open since 1906, it has a new life after, they say, have been inspiration for J.K. Rowland, when she wrote Harry Potter.
    A small space, but full of history, with a beautiful staircase and many, many books. The culture around here is the queen!

    wonderfuldreams.tk #LetsGuide #Porto #LivrariaLello #Oporto #Portugal #LelloLibrary #HarryPotter #beautifuldestinations #amazingplaces #wanderlust #travel #sonhosvividos #algunssonhosvividos https://algunssonhosvividos.blogspot.com/2018/01/porto-livraria-lello.html?spref=tw @turismoportugal @visitportugal @PortoeNortePT @visitporto


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