quarta-feira, 4 de dezembro de 2019

Budapest - Heroes' Square

PT// A Praça dos Heróis é a maior e mais simbólica praça de Budapeste. É dominada pelo Monumento Milenar (Ezeréves emlékmű), um pilar de 36m de altura e encimado por um arcanjo Gabriel dourado, segurando a coroa húngara e uma cruz. Na base da coluna estão o príncipe Árpád e outros seis chefes magiares que ocuparam a bacia dos Cárpatos no final do século IX. As 14 estátuas nas colunatas atrás são de governantes e estadistas - do rei Stephen a Lajos Kossuth.
 Foi projetado em 1896 para marcar o 1000º aniversário da conquista magiar da Bacia dos Cárpatos.

EN// Heroes’ Sq is the largest and most symbolic square in Budapest. It is dominated by the Millenary Monument (Ezeréves emlékmű), a 36m-high pillar topped by a golden Archangel Gabriel, holding the Hungarian crown and a cross. At the column's base are Prince Árpád and six other Magyar chieftains who occupied the Carpathian Basin in the late 9th century. The 14 statues in the colonnades behind are of rulers and statesmen – from King Stephen to Lajos Kossuth  .
It was designed in 1896 to mark the 1000th anniversary of the Magyar conquest of the Carpathian Basin.



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1 comentário:

  1. Heroes’ Sq is the largest and most symbolic square in Budapest. It is dominated by the Millenary Monument (Ezeréves emlékmű), a 36m-high pillar topped by a golden Archangel Gabriel, holding the Hungarian crown and a cross. At the column's base are Prince Árpád and six other Magyar chieftains who occupied the Carpathian Basin in the late 9th century. The 14 statues in the colonnades behind are of rulers and statesmen – from King Stephen to Lajos Kossuth .
    It was designed in 1896 to mark the 1000th anniversary of the Magyar conquest of the Carpathian Basin.

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