quarta-feira, 10 de junho de 2020

Madeira - PR Queimadas – A Way For All

PT// Este trilho desenrola - se ao longo da esplanada da levada do Caldeirão Verde entre os Parques Florestais das Queimadas e do Pico das Pedras, no concelho de Santana.
Ao longo do percurso é possível acompanhar uma mancha florestal de transição entre a floresta natural da Madeira (floresta Laurissilva) e a floresta exótica ( árvores introduzidas pelo homem nesta ilha).
O som da água em corrida permanente, o cheiro da terra molhada, a humidade característica da floresta e o calor do sol quando a atravessa, despertam todos os sentidos, conduzindo o caminhante ao contacto profundo com o espaço natural.

EN// This Trail takes place along the footpath of the levada of Caldeirão Verde between the Queimadas and Pico das Pedras Forestry Parks, in the municipality of Santana.
Along the trail you can see a patch of forest transition between the natural forest of Madeira (Laurissilva Forest) and the exotic forest ( trees introduced by the man in this Island).
The sound of water running, the smell of wet earth, humidity characteristic of the forest and the heat of the sun when the crosses, awaken all the senses, leading the walker to contact with the natural deep.



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1 comentário:

  1. This Trail takes place along the footpath of the levada of Caldeirão Verde between the Queimadas and Pico das Pedras Forestry Parks, in the municipality of Santana.
    Along the trail you can see a patch of forest transition between the natural forest of Madeira (Laurissilva Forest) and the exotic forest ( trees introduced by the man in this Island).
    The sound of water running, the smell of wet earth, humidity characteristic of the forest and the heat of the sun when the crosses, awaken all the senses, leading the walker to contact with the natural deep.

    wonderfuldreams.tk #LetsGuide #viajantes #sonhosvividos #algunssonhosvividos #travelexperiences #Madeira #Portugal #Santana #PRQueimadas #Queimadas #Walk #Levada #visitmadeira #Ilovemadeira https://algunssonhosvividos.blogspot.com/2020/06/madeira-pr-queimadas-way-for-all.html?spref=tw @MadeiraBest @visitmadeira @visitportugal @MadeiraIslands


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