quarta-feira, 23 de junho de 2021

Alcobaça - Monastery

PT// A fundação da Abadia de Santa Maria de Alcobaça e respectiva Carta de Couto datam de 8 de Abril de 1153.
A importância do Mosteiro de Alcobaça evoluiu num crescendo cultural, religioso e ideológico. A sua monumentalidade é tanto mais evidente quanto mais límpida e austera é a sua arquitectura. Trata-se, de resto, do primeiro ensaio de arquitectura gótica em Portugal: um modelo que ficou sem imediata continuidade e que não foi reproduzido a não ser muito mais tarde, funcionando como um pólo quase isolado, uma jóia branca na paisagem.  

EN// The foundation of the Abbey of Santa Maria de Alcobaça and the respective Charter of Couto date from April 8, 1153.
The importance of the Monastery of Alcobaça evolved in a cultural, religious and ideological growth. Its monumentality is all the more evident the more limpid and austere its architecture is. It is, moreover, the first essay on Gothic architecture in Portugal: a model that had no immediate continuity and was not reproduced until much later, functioning as an almost isolated pole, a white jewel in the landscape.



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1 comentário:

  1. The foundation of the Abbey of Santa Maria de Alcobaça and the respective Charter of Couto date from April 8, 1153.
    The importance of the Monastery of Alcobaça evolved in a cultural, religious and ideological growth. Its monumentality is all the more evident the more limpid and austere its architecture is. It is, moreover, the first essay on Gothic architecture in Portugal: a model that had no immediate continuity and was not reproduced until much later, functioning as an almost isolated pole, a white jewel in the landscape.

    #LetsGuide #wanderlust #travel #viajantes #amazingplace #sonhosvividos #algunssonhosvividos #travelexperiences #beautifuldestinations #Portugal #Oeste #Alcobaça #Monastery #MosteirodeAlcobaca #VisitPortugal #TurismoPortugal https://algunssonhosvividos.blogspot.com/2021/06/alcobaca-monastery.html?spref=tw @visitportugal @turismoportugal


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