sábado, 4 de junho de 2016

London - Palace of Westminster

PT//  Sede do parlamento inglês este edifico marca todos os visitantes de Londres, pela beleza da sua arquitetura recheada de detalhes. Sempre rodeado por milhares de pessoas com as suas máquinas a captarem as melhores imagens. Além da Elizabeth Tower (que toda a gente conhece como Big Ben) que dispensa apresentações, destaco a Victoria Tower, torre central onde existe uma bandeira que é a maior de toda a Grã-Bretanha.
 Visitámos os jardins e a Câmara dos Comuns de onde foi possível assistir a parte de um debate no Parlamento. 

EN// Headquarters of the British Parliament, this building marks all visitors to London with the beauty of its architecture full with details. Always surrounded by thousands of people with their machines looking for the best pictures. In addition to the Elizabeth Tower (which everyone knows as Big Ben) that lacks presentations, I highlight the Victoria Tower, central tower where there is a flag that is the largest in the whole of Britain.
  We visited the gardens and the House of Commons where it was possible to watch part of a debate in Parliament.



1 comentário:

  1. Headquarters of the British Parliament, this building marks all visitors to London with the beauty of its architecture full with details. Always surrounded by thousands of people with their machines looking for the best pictures. In addition to the Elizabeth Tower (which everyone knows as Big Ben) that lacks presentations, I highlight the Victoria Tower, central tower where there is a flag that is the largest in the whole of Britain.

    #London #Londres #Palace #Westminster #England #UK #ReinoUnido #Britain #beautifuldestinations #amazingplaces #wanderlust #travel #sonhosvividos #wonderfuldreams #algunssonhosvividos #travelexperiences #traveller #viagem #viajar https://algunssonhosvividos.blogspot.com/2015/04/london-palace-of-westminster.html?spref=tw @visitlondon @Londonist


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