quinta-feira, 29 de novembro de 2018

Port Victoria – Botanical Garden (Costa Victoria Excursion)

PT// O Jardim Botânico de Victoria (também chamado Jardim Botânico de Mont Fleuri Seychelles) nas Seychelles foi fundado em 1901, cheio de riachos e pássaros, as principais atrações são as palmeiras de coco-de-mer ao longo da entrada principal. Há também um bosque de especiarias, um santuário de tartarugas gigantes e uma parte de floresta tropical com morcegos frugívoros.

EN// The Victoria Botanical Gardens (also called Mont Fleuri Botanical Gardens Seychelles) in Seychelles was established in 1901, full of streams and birdsong, the star attractions are the coco de mer palms lining the main alley. There's also a spice grove, a pen of giant tortoises, a sanctuary of rainforest complete with fruit bats, and a cafeteria.



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1 comentário:

  1. The Victoria Botanical Gardens (also called Mont Fleuri Botanical Gardens Seychelles) in Seychelles was established in 1901, full of streams and birdsong, the star attractions are the coco de mer palms lining the main alley. There's also a spice grove, a pen of giant tortoises, a sanctuary of rainforest complete with fruit bats, and a cafeteria.

    wonderfuldreams.tk #LetsGuide #wanderlust #travel #sonhosvividos #algunssonhosvividos #amazing #PortVictoria #Mahe #Seychelles #botanicalgarden #CostaVictoria #CostaCrociere #CostaCruises https://algunssonhosvividos.blogspot.com/2018/11/port-victoria-botanical-garden-costa.html?spref=tw @Seychelles_In @visitseychelles @CostaCruises @costacrociere


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