terça-feira, 27 de novembro de 2018

Praslin - Anse Lazio Beach (Costa Victoria Excursion)

PT// A praia Anse Lazio é um dos postais das Seychelles e é frequentemente referenciada nas listas das praias mais bonitas do mundo. É uma praia longa com água de tons azuis turqueza, uma franja espessa de palmeiras e árvores takamaka e pedras de granito em cada extremidade. Imagens ainda do primeiro contato com as tartarugas gigantes num parque junto à praia.

EN// Anse Lazio beach is picture-perfect everywhere you look and it often turns up in lists of the world's most beautiful beaches. The long beach has lapis lazuli waters, a thick fringe of palm and takamaka trees, and granite boulders at each extremity. In the end images of the first contact with giant tortoises in a park by the beach.



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1 comentário:

  1. Anse Lazio beach is picture-perfect everywhere you look and it often turns up in lists of the world's most beautiful beaches. The long beach has lapis lazuli waters, a thick fringe of palm and takamaka trees, and granite boulders at each extremity. In the end images of the first contact with giant tortoises in a park by the beach.

    wonderfuldreams.tk #LetsGuide #wanderlust #travel #sonhosvividos #algunssonhosvividos #AnseLazio #Beach #CostaVictoria #CostaCrociere #CostaCruises #Praslin #Seychelles #SeychellesIslands https://algunssonhosvividos.blogspot.com/2018/11/praslin-anse-lazio-beach-costa-victoria.html?spref=tw @costacruises @costacrociere @Seychelles_In @visitseychelles


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