domingo, 3 de dezembro de 2017

Messina - City Highlights (MSC Seaside Excursion)

PT// Fizemos uma pequena paragem na Duomo de Messina. Uma grande praça a envolve e o campanário tem um relogio solar e lunar, com informação dos signos e várias imagens douradas a contar a sua história. Tem uma imponente porta à entrada, com várias imagens e estátuas, no cimo uma imagem de Pietat, da Nossa Senhora com Jesus ao colo, bem bonita e chamativa.
 Por dentro, mostra a imponência da duomo, com um teto trabalhado e algumas imagens e estátuas nas várias capelas laterais.
 A paragem seguinte foi num miradouro junto ao Panteão, onde temos uma vista de Messina e do navio MSC Seaside, com toda a sua beleza e sendo o primeiro porto, é sempre um momento histórico.

EN// A short stop at the Duomo of Messina, with a large square and the steeple has a solar and lunar clock, with information of the signs and several golden images to tell its history. It has an imposing door at the entrance, with several images and statues, at the top an image of Pietat, of Our Lady with Jesus in the lap, very beautiful and attractive.
 Inside, it shows the grandeur of the Duomo, with a worked ceiling and some images and statues in the several lateral chapels.
 The next stop was in a belvedere next to the Pantheon, where we have a view of Messina and the ship MSC Seaside, with all its beauty and being the first port, is always a historical moment.



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1 comentário:

  1. A short stop at the Duomo of Messina, with a large square and the steeple has a solar and lunar clock, with information of the signs and several golden images to tell its history. It has an imposing door at the entrance, with several images and statues, at the top an image of Pietat, of Our Lady with Jesus in the lap, very beautiful and attractive.
    Inside, it shows the grandeur of the Duomo, with a worked ceiling and some images and statues in the several lateral chapels.
    The next stop was in a belvedere next to the Pantheon, where we have a view of Messina and the ship MSC Seaside, with all its beauty and being the first port, is always a historical moment. #LetsGuide #Messina #Duomo #Tour #MSCSeaside #MSC #MSCCruises #MSCCrociere #Theplacetobe #wanderlust #travel #sonhosvividos @ilovesicilies @SiciliaTurismo @Sicinform @MSC_Crociere @MSCCruzeiros @MSCCruisesUSA @MSCCrucerosESP


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