sexta-feira, 1 de dezembro de 2017

MSC Seaside - Inside Ship Tour

PT// Vídeo com imagens do interior do navio MSC Seaside captadas durante o cruzeiro inaugural entre Trieste e o Funchal. No álbum encontra mais de 900 fotos de todo o navio. 
 Entre no Atrio e imediatamente ficará maravilhado pelo sua gradiosidade onde se destacam as escadas com cristais Swarowski! Atravesse áreas públicas através dos vários bares e restaurantes, piscinas, teatro, lojas, casino, discoteca, áreas de entretenimento, sem esquecer o "delicioso" cholocate bar ... Para quem conhece é uma forma forma de recordar e para quem vai viajar pela primeira vez no navio é uma forma de antecipar e começar a conhecê-lo!

EN// Video with images of the interior of the ship MSC Seaside captured during the inaugural cruise between Trieste and Funchal. In the album you will find more than 900 photos of the entire ship.
  Enter the Atrium and you will immediately be amazed by its gradiosity where the stairs with Swarowski crystals stand out! Go through public areas through various bars and restaurants, swimming pools, theater, shops, casino, disco, entertainment areas, not to mention the "delicious" chocolate bar ... For those who know it is a way to remember and for those who will travel through First time on the ship is a way to anticipate and get to know you!



1 comentário:

  1. Video with images of the interior of the ship MSC Seaside captured during the inaugural cruise between Trieste and Funchal. In the album you will find more than 900 photos of the entire ship.
    Enter the Atrium and you will immediately be amazed by its gradiosity where the stairs with Swarowski crystals stand out! Go through public areas through various bars and restaurants, swimming pools, theater, shops, casino, disco, entertainment areas, not to mention the "delicious" chocolate bar ... For those who know it is a way to remember and for those who will travel through First time on the ship is a way to anticipate and get to know you! #LetsGuide #MSCSeaside #Inside #Ship #Tour #MSC #MSCCruises #MSCCrociere #Theplacetobe #inaugural #cruiseship #cruise #cruiselife #cruiseships #wanderlust #travel #viajar @MSC_Crociere @MSCCruzeiros @MSCCruisesUSA @MSCCrucerosESP


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