PT// Vídeo com imagens das áreas exteriores do navio MSC Seaside captadas durante o cruzeiro inaugural entre Trieste e o Funchal. No álbum encontra mais de 900 fotos de todo o navio. Passeie pela extensa promenade, pelas "Infinity Bridge" e Bridge of Sighs, sundeck, piscinas, pelas zonas de diversão como o Aquaparque e o MSC Sports Arena. Se for mais radical não esqueça a Zip Line. Para quem conhece é uma forma forma de recordar e para quem vai viajar pela primeira vez no navio é uma forma de antecipar e começar a conhecê-lo! EN// Video with images of the exterior areas of the MSC Seaside ship taken during the inaugural cruise between Trieste and Funchal. In the album you will find more than 900 photos of the entire ship. Walk through the extensive promenade, the "Infinity Bridge" and Bridge of Sighs, sundeck, swimming pools, the entertainment areas like Aquaparque and MSC Sports Arena. If you are more radical do not forget the Zip Line. For those who know it is a way to remember and for those who will be traveling for the first time on the ship is a way to anticipate and get to know it! |
sexta-feira, 1 de dezembro de 2017
MSC Seaside - Outside Ship Tour
MSC Seaside,
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Video with images of the exterior areas of the MSC Seaside ship taken during the inaugural cruise between Trieste and Funchal. In the album you will find more than 900 photos of the entire ship.
ResponderEliminarWalk through the extensive promenade, the "Infinity Bridge" and Bridge of Sighs, sundeck, swimming pools, the entertainment areas like Aquaparque and MSC Sports Arena. If you are more radical do not forget the Zip Line. For those who know it is a way to remember and for those who will be traveling for the first time on the ship is a way to anticipate and get to know it! #LetsGuide #MSCSeaside #Outside #Ship #Tour #MSC #MSCCruises #MSCCrociere #Theplacetobe #inaugural #cruiseship #cruise #wanderlust #travel #sonhosvividos @MSC_Crociere @MSCCruzeiros @MSCCruisesUSA @MSCCrucerosESP @MSC_Cruises_UK