sábado, 1 de dezembro de 2018

Nosy Komba – Ampangorinana (Costa Victoria Excursion)

PT// A visita a Ampangorinana, em Nosy Komba (Madagascar) é uma das experiências que nos marca. O primeiro impacto é o contacto com a população local, principalmente com uma enorme quantidade de crianças que tão pouco têm e ao mesmo tempo transparecem felicidade.
 Efetuámos um passeio pela aldeia, percorrendo as bancas de artesanato, até ao parque natural onde é possível observar alguns dos animais da ilha: iguanas, tartarugas e os lémures, que aqui são reis e interagem com que lhes dê um pouco de banana.
 Após o almoço houve tempo para passear junto à praia e recolher belas imagens.

EN// The visit to Ampangorinana in Nosy Komba (Madagascar) is one of the experiences that marks us. The first impact is the contact with the local population, mainly with a huge number of children who have so little and yet transpire happiness.
  We made a tour of the village, traversing the craft stalls, to the natural park where you can see some of the island's animals: iguanas, tortoises and lemurs, here they are kings and interact with to give them a little banana.
 After lunch there was time to stroll along the beach and collect beautiful pictures.



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1 comentário:

  1. The visit to Ampangorinana in Nosy Komba (Madagascar) is one of the experiences that marks us. The first impact is the contact with the local population, mainly with a huge number of children who have so little and yet transpire happiness.
    We made a tour of the village, traversing the craft stalls, to the natural park where you can see some of the island's animals: iguanas, tortoises and lemurs, here they are kings and interact with to give them a little banana.
    After lunch there was time to stroll along the beach and collect beautiful images.

    wonderfuldreams.tk #LetsGuide #wanderlust #viajantes #amazingplace #sonhosvividos #algunssonhosvividos #travelexperiences #travel #MyMadagascar #NosyBe #CostaVictoria #costacrociere #NosyKomba #Ampangorinana https://algunssonhosvividos.blogspot.com/2018/12/nosy-komba-ampangorinana-costa-victoria.html?spref=tw @IleMadagascar @CostaCruises @costacrociere


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