segunda-feira, 24 de dezembro de 2018

São Miguel – Trip to Lagoa das Furnas (by GoPro)

PT// As paisagens da ilha de São Miguel são magnificas e quando percorremos as estradas da ilha vemos cenários soberbos.  Decidimos publicar as imagens captadas pela GoPro para quem as quiser desfrutar. Neste video partilhamos parte do percurso a caminho da Lagoa das Furnas, num dia em que o sol decidiu dar um brilho especial ao verde da ilha!

EN// The landscapes of the island of São Miguel are magnificent and when we cross the roads of the island we see superb scenery. We decided to publish the images captured by GoPro to anyone who wants to enjoy them. In this video we share part of the journey on the way to Furnas Lagoon, on a day when the sun decided to give a special shine to the green of the island!



Google Album

1 comentário:

  1. The landscapes of the island of São Miguel are magnificent and when we cross the roads of the island we see superb scenery. We decided to publish the images captured by GoPro to anyone who wants to enjoy them. In this video we share part of the journey on the way to Furnas Lagoon, on a day when the sun decided to give a special shine to the green of the island! #LetsGuide #wanderlust #travel #sonhosvividos #algunssonhosvividos #LagoadasFurnas #GoPro #visitazores #azores #weareazores #saomiguel #pontadelgada #TravelbloggersPT #Portugal @visitingazores @AzoresWhatElse @turismoportugal


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