segunda-feira, 21 de outubro de 2019

Lübeck - Marienkirche

PT// Esta bela igreja gótica possui o mais alto telhado abobadado de tijolos do mundo e foi o modelo para dezenas de igrejas no norte da Alemanha. Estique o pescoço para observar os tetos abobadados pintados, suportados por pilares finos e nervurados. Um bombardeio da Segunda Guerra Mundial derrubou os sinos da igreja, que foram deixados onde caíram em 1942 e se tornaram um famoso símbolo da cidade.

EN// This fine Gothic church boasts the world's highest brick-vaulted roof and was the model for dozens of churches in northern Germany. Crane your neck to take in the painted cross-vaulted ceilings supported by slender, ribbed pillars. A WWII bombing raid brought down the church's bells, which have been left where they fell in 1942 and have become a famous symbol of the city.



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1 comentário:

  1. This fine Gothic church boasts the world's highest brick-vaulted roof and was the model for dozens of churches in northern Germany. Crane your neck to take in the painted cross-vaulted ceilings supported by slender, ribbed pillars. A WWII bombing raid brought down the church's bells, which have been left where they fell in 1942 and have become a famous symbol of the city. #LetsGuide #wanderlust #travel #viajantes #amazingplaces #sonhosvividos #algunssonhosvividos #travelexperiences #beautifuldestinations Marienkirche #viagem #viajar #Lubeck #Germany #deutschland @hansekoenigin @germanyvisit


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