segunda-feira, 21 de outubro de 2019

Lübeck - Walking Tour

PT// Lübeck é uma joia do século XII, com mais de mil prédios históricos, que são uma lembrança duradoura do seu papel como uma das cidades fundadoras da poderosa Liga Hanseática e seu apelido "Rainha dos Hanse". Por trás do marco histórico de Holstentor, encontramos ruas alinhadas com as casas dos comerciantes medievais e igrejas com cúpula, formando a "coroa" de Lübeck. Reconhecida pela Unesco como Património Mundial em 1987, hoje esta próspera cidade provincial mantém muitos cantos encantadores para explorar.

EN// A 12th-century gem boasting more than a thousand historic buildings, Lübeck’s picture-book appearance is an enduring reminder of its role as one of the founding cities of the mighty Hanseatic League and its moniker ‘Queen of the Hanse’. Behind its landmark Holstentor, you’ll find streets lined with medieval merchants’ homes and spired churches forming Lübeck’s ‘crown’. Recognised by Unesco as a World Heritage Site in 1987, today this thriving provincial city retains many enchanting corners to explore.



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1 comentário:

  1. A 12th-century gem boasting more than a thousand historic buildings, Lübeck’s picture-book appearance is an enduring reminder of its role as one of the founding cities of the mighty Hanseatic League and its moniker ‘Queen of the Hanse’. Behind its landmark Holstentor, you’ll find streets lined with medieval merchants’ homes and spired churches forming Lübeck’s ‘crown’. Recognised by Unesco as a World Heritage Site in 1987, today this thriving provincial city retains many enchanting corners to explore. #LetsGuide #wanderlust #travel #viajantes #amazingplaces #sonhosvividos #algunssonhosvividos #travelexperiences #beautifuldestinations #traveller #viagem #viajar #Lubeck #Germany #deutschland @hansekoenigin @germanyvisit


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