domingo, 17 de abril de 2022

Bratislava - Hviezdoslav Square

PT// Tal como acontece com a maioria das cidades da Europa, Bratislava gira em torno de grandes praças como a Praça Hviezdoslav. É um belo lugar para passear, com memoriais para figuras nacionais (como a estátua de Pavol Hviezdoslav, que dá nome à praça) e monumentos históricos (como o Claustro da Catedral de Notre Dame e o Teatro Nacional Eslovaco). Encontra ainda os edifícios das embaixadas alemã e americana, juntamente com vários hotéis populares. No extremo norte da praça alguns restaurantes e bares populares.

EN// As with most cities in Europe, Bratislava revolves around large squares like Hviezdoslav Square. It's a beautiful place to stroll, with memorials to national figures (like the statue of Pavol Hviezdoslav, which gives the square its name) and historical monuments (like the Cloister of Notre Dame Cathedral and the Slovak National Theater). You can also find the German and American embassy buildings, along with several popular hotels. At the north end of the square are some popular restaurants and bars.




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1 comentário:

  1. As with most cities in Europe, Bratislava revolves around large squares like Hviezdoslav Square. It's a beautiful place to stroll, with memorials to national figures (like the statue of Pavol Hviezdoslav, which gives the square its name) and historical monuments (like the Cloister of Notre Dame Cathedral and the Slovak National Theater). You can also find the German and American embassy buildings, along with several popular hotels. At the north end of the square are some popular restaurants and bars.

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