quarta-feira, 20 de abril de 2022

Vienna - Karlsplatz

PT// Localizada na fronteira entre o 1º e 4º distritos de Viena, Karlsplatz é uma praça turbulenta e muito movimentada em Viena. A praça tem o nome do imperador Karl VI. Durante o surto da epidemia de peste, ele prometeu construir uma igreja aqui – a Karlskirche (visitámos o seu interior e subimos ao terraço onde tem uma bela vista sobre a praça).
A maior parte da Karlsplatz é ocupada pelo chamado Resselpark.

EN// Located on the border between the 1st and 4th districts of Vienna, Karlsplatz is a bustling and very busy square in Vienna. The square is named after Emperor Karl VI. During the outbreak of the plague, he promised to build a church here – the Karlskirche (we visited its interior and went up to the terrace where it has a beautiful view over the square).
Most of Karlsplatz is occupied by the so-called Resselpark.



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1 comentário:

  1. Located on the border between the 1st and 4th districts of Vienna, Karlsplatz is a bustling and very busy square in Vienna. The square is named after Emperor Karl VI. During the outbreak of the plague, he promised to build a church here – the Karlskirche (we visited its interior and went up to the terrace where it has a beautiful view over the square).
    Most of Karlsplatz is occupied by the so-called Resselpark.

    #LetsGuide Vienna - Karlsplatz #Viena #Wien #ViennaNow #CelebrateVienna Austria Autriche Österreich #wanderlust #travel #amazingplaces #sonhosvividos #algunssonhosvividos #travelexperiences Karlskirche Resselpark Parque Jardim Igreja Church https://algunssonhosvividos.blogspot.com/2022/04/vienna-karlsplatz.html?spref=tw @ViennaInfoB2B FB @ViennaTouristBoard YT @vienna


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