quinta-feira, 25 de julho de 2019

Prague - Charles Bridge

PT// A espetacular Charles Bridge, o monumento mais conhecido de Praga, testemunhou procissões, batalhas, execuções e, cada vez mais, filmagens desde sua construção. A ponte pode ficar intransitável ao longo do dia, cheia de artistas, turistas e a estranha banda de jazz Dixieland. Pode ser melhor observada nas primeiras horas do dia, quando o sol nasce sobre a Torre da Ponte da Cidade Velha.

EN// The spectacular Charles BridgePrague most familiar monument, has witnessed processions, battles, executions and, increasingly, film shots since its construction. The bridge can be impassable throughout the day, crowded with artist, tourist and the odd Dixieland jazz band. It is best seen in the early hours as the sun rises over the Old Town Bridge Tower.



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1 comentário:

  1. The spectacular Charles Bridge, Prague most familiar monument, has witnessed processions, battles, executions and, increasingly, film shots since its construction. The bridge can be impassable throughout the day, crowded with artist, tourist and the odd Dixieland jazz band. It is best seen in the early hours as the sun rises over the Old Town Bridge Tower.

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