quinta-feira, 25 de julho de 2019

Prague - Saint Peter and Saint Paul Basilica

PT// Visita à Basílica de São Pedro e São Paulo, uma igreja neogótica na fortaleza de Vyšehrad, em Praga. A basílica apresenta um impressionante mosaico de pedra acima de sua entrada e suas torres gémeas de 58 m podem ser vistas no topo duma colina a sul, ao longo do rio Vltava, no centro de Praga.

EN// Visit to the Basilica of St Peter and St Paul a neo-Gothic church in Vyšehrad fortress in Prague. The basilica features an impressive stone mosaic above its entry, and its twin 58 m towers can be seen atop a hill to the south from along the Vltava River in central Prague.



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1 comentário:

  1. Visit to the Basilica of St Peter and St Paul a neo-Gothic church in Vyšehrad fortress in Prague. The basilica features an impressive stone mosaic above its entry, and its twin 58 m towers can be seen atop a hill to the south from along the Vltava River in central Prague.

    wonderfuldreams.tk #LetsGuide #wanderlust #travel #viajantes #prague #praha #czechrepublic #czech #europe #praga #prag #pragueworld #praguetoday #cz Saint Peter and Saint Paul Basilica Bazilika svatého Petra a Pavla https://algunssonhosvividos.blogspot.com/2019/07/prague-saint-peter-and-saint-paul.html?spref=tw @PragueEU @VisitCZ @PrahaEU


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