sexta-feira, 26 de julho de 2019

Prague - Church of Our Lady before Týn

PT// Dominando a Praça da Cidade Velha estão os magníficos campanários desta igreja histórica. O interior escuro tem algumas características notáveis, incluindo esculturas góticas do Calvário, uma fonte de estanho como um púlpito gótico do século XV.

EN// Dominating the Old Town Square are the magnificent multiples steeples of this historic church. The dark interior has some notable features, including Gothic sculptures of Calvaryy, a pewter font as a 15-century Gothic pulpit.

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1 comentário:

  1. Dominating the Old Town Square are the magnificent multiples steeples of this historic church. The dark interior has some notable features, including Gothic sculptures of Calvaryy, a pewter font as a 15-century Gothic pulpit.

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