sexta-feira, 26 de julho de 2019

Prague - Jan Hus Monument

PT// Numa extremidade da Praça da Cidade Velha, fica o enorme monumento a Jan Hus. Possui dois grupos de pessoas, um guerreiro hussita vitorioso e uma jovem mãe simbolizando o renascimento nacional. A figura central dominante de Jan Hus enfatiza a autoridade moral do homem que desistiu de sua vida, e não de suas crenças.

EN// At one end of the Old Town Square stands the massive monument to Jan Hus. It shows two groups of people, one victorious Hussite warriors and a young mother symbolizing national rebirth. The dominat central figure of Jan Hus emphasizes the moral authority of the man who gave up his life rather than his beliefs.

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1 comentário:

  1. At one end of the Old Town Square stands the massive monument to Jan Hus. It shows two groups of people, one victorious Hussite warriors and a young mother symbolizing national rebirth. The dominat central figure of Jan Hus emphasizes the moral authority of the man who gave up his life rather than his beliefs. #LetsGuide #wanderlust #travel #viajantes #amazingplaces #sonhosvividos #algunssonhosvividos #JanHus #Monument #prague #praha #czechrepublic #czech #europe #praga #prag #pragueworld #praguetoday #cz @PragueEU @VisitCZ @PrahaEU


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