quarta-feira, 8 de dezembro de 2021

Roma - Tempio di Adriano

PT// Provavelmente, a construção do edifício foi encomendada pelo imperador Adriano que pretendia dedicá-lo à sua esposa Vibia Sabina, falecida e então divinizada em 136. No entanto, as obras foram concluídas, por volta de 145 d.C., por seu filho e sucessor Antonino Pio que o dedicou ao imperador deificado Adriano.
  O templo consistia em oito colunas ao longo dos lados curtos e treze nos longos; erguia-se em um pódio alto acessível do lado leste por uma escada.
  Hoje, apenas uma parte da colunata do lado norte com onze colunas de 15 metros de altura e um diâmetro de 1,44 metros ainda está preservada.

EN// Probably, the construction of the building was commissioned by Emperor Hadrian who intended to dedicate it to his wife Vibia Sabina, who died and was then deified in 136. However, the works were concluded, around 145 A.C., by his son and successor Antoninus Pius who dedicated it to the deified emperor Hadrian.
 The temple consisted of eight columns along the short sides and thirteen on the long ones; it rose on a high podium accessible from the east side through a staircase. 
 Today, only a part of the north side colonnade with eleven columns 15 meters high and a diameter of 1.44 meters is still preserved.



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1 comentário:

  1. Probably, the construction of the building was commissioned by Emperor Hadrian who intended to dedicate it to his wife Vibia Sabina, who died and was then deified in 136. However, the works were concluded, around 145 A.C., by his son and successor Antoninus Pius who dedicated it to the deified emperor Hadrian.
    The temple consisted of eight columns along the short sides and thirteen on the long ones; it rose on a high podium accessible from the east side through a staircase.
    Today, only a part of the north side colonnade with eleven columns 15 meters high and a diameter of 1.44 meters is still preserved.

    #LetsGuide Roma - Tempio di Adriano / Hadrian’s Temple Rome Italia Italy #sonhosvividos #algunssonhosvividos #travelexperiences #beautifuldestinations #amazingplaces #turismoroma #travel #viajar #romantemple #historical Piazza di Pietra https://algunssonhosvividos.blogspot.com/2021/12/roma-tempio-di-adriano.html?spref=tw @Turismoromaweb FB @tourismrome YT turismoroma


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