terça-feira, 7 de dezembro de 2021

Roma - Chiesa di Sant'Antonio dei Portoghesi

PT// A igreja, também chamada de Sant’Antonio in Campo Marzio, está localizada no distrito de mesmo nome, e é o local de culto da comunidade portuguesa em Roma.
O edifício foi reconstruído pelos portugueses em 1638. A fachada barroca tem duas ordens. No piso inferior encontramos três portais: o central é encimado por um tímpano triangular que encerra um anjo de mármore alado rodeado de festões. O nível superior é dominado por uma grande janela e o brasão dos Bragança, uma antiga família portuguesa que ajudou financeiramente a igreja; duas figuras de anjos sentados completam a fachada.

EN// The church, also called Sant’Antonio in Campo Marzio, is located within the district of the same name, and is the place of worship of the Portuguese community in Rome. 
The building was rebuilt by the Portuguese in 1638. The baroque façade has two orders. On the lower floor we find three portals: the central one is surmounted by a triangular tympanum that encloses a winged marble angel surrounded by festoons. The upper level is dominated by a large window and the coat of arms of the Braganza, an ancient Portuguese family who helped the church financially; two figures of seated angels complete the façade.



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1 comentário:

  1. The church, also called Sant’Antonio in Campo Marzio, is located within the district of the same name, and is the place of worship of the Portuguese community in Rome.
    The building was rebuilt by the Portuguese in 1638. The baroque façade has two orders. On the lower floor we find three portals: the central one is surmounted by a triangular tympanum that encloses a winged marble angel surrounded by festoons. The upper level is dominated by a large window and the coat of arms of the Braganza, an ancient Portuguese family who helped the church financially; two figures of seated angels complete the façade.

    #LetsGuide Roma - Chiesa di Sant'Antonio dei Portoghesi, Church, Igreja Santo António dos Portugueses, Rome, Italia, Italy #sonhosvividos #algunssonhosvividos #travelexperiences #beautifuldestinations #amazingplaces #turismoroma #travel https://algunssonhosvividos.blogspot.com/2022/07/roma-chiesa-di-santantonio-dei.html?spref=tw @Turismoromaweb FB @tourismrome YT turismoroma


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