quinta-feira, 26 de maio de 2016

Edinburgh - Walking Tour

PT//  É sempre diferente passar um dia numa cidade com os olhos de quem lá vive e trabalha. Foi num misto de nostalgia e saudade que reencontramos os nossos primos e com eles passeamos por uma grande parte de Edimburgo (parece que ficou, ainda, muito por ver...fica para a próxima!).
 Desta vez foi uma passagem pela Royal MileOld TownPrinces Street Gardens e Calton Hill.

 Com os vídeos e as fotos acompanhem a beleza singular e verde desta cidade.

EN// It is always different to spend a day in a city with the eyes of those who live and work there. It was in a mix of nostalgia and longing that we met our cousins and with them we toured a large part of Edinburgh (it seems that was, still, a lot to see ... stay for the next!).
  This time was a walk through the Royal Mile, Old Town, Princes Street Gardens and Calton Hill.
  With videos and photos accompany the unique and green beauty of this city.




1 comentário:

  1. It is always different to spend a day in a city with the eyes of those who live and work there. It was in a mix of nostalgia and longing that we met our cousins and with them we toured a large part of Edinburgh (it seems that was, still, a lot to see ... stay for the next!).
    This time was a walk through the Royal Mile, Old Town, Princes Street Gardens and Calton Hill.
    With videos and photos accompany the unique and green beauty of this city.

    wonderfuldreams.tk #LetsGuide #wanderlust #travel #viajantes #sonhosvividos #algunssonhosvividos #travelexperiences #Edinburgh #Edimburgo #Escocia #Scotland #RoyalMile #OldTown #PrincesStreet #CaltonHill #RubyPrincess https://algunssonhosvividos.blogspot.com/2014/08/edinburgh-walking-tour.html?spref=tw @VisitScotland @PrincessCruises


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