domingo, 22 de maio de 2016

Southampton - Cultural Quarter and Bedford Place

PT// Após um dia inteiro em viagem, um passeio muito agradável em Southampton. Debaixo de alguma chuva mas com um anoitecer perfeito. Andamos pelo Cultural Quarter onde, também, podemos apreciar uma parte do Central Parks, mais precisamente o Watts Park com uns lindos tons de verde. Passear pela Bedford Place, embora ainda fosse cedo para o movimento noturno, sentimos o início da noite Britânica com os seus pubs. A terminar o passeio um excelente waffle e chocolate quente no Tooti's.

 Aprecie as fotos e vídeo abaixo!

EN// After a full day traveling, a very pleasant tour in Southampton. Under some rain but with a perfect nightfall. We walk through the Cultural Quarter where, also, we can appreciate a part of the Central Parks, more precisely Watts Park with beautiful shades of green. Strolling along Bedford Place, although it was still early for the night movement, we felt the beginning of the British night with its pubs.



1 comentário:

  1. After a full day traveling, a very pleasant tour in Southampton. Under some rain but with a perfect nightfall. We walk through the Cultural Quarter where, also, we can appreciate a part of the Central Parks, more precisely Watts Park with beautiful shades of green. Strolling along Bedford Place, although it was still early for the night movement, we felt the beginning of the British night with its pubs. #LetsGuide #wanderlust #travel #viajantes #sonhosvividos #algunssonhosvividos #travelexperiences #beautifuldestinations #CulturalQuarter #BedfordPlace #Southampton #ReinoUnido #UK #England @Discover_Soton @SouthamptonCC @SotonEvents


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